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Plugin start (up)

Screencast (up)

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Run the Plugin (up)

Either select two logfiles as input. 
Or select two mined models as input. 

Miner and Data Selection (up)

Using two logfiles as input allows to choose between additional properties: 
  1. Miner - Select the mining algorithm which should be used to generate the process models. (Heuristics or Alpha Miner) 
  2. Sort Log - When the log files shoudl be sorted then select this option. Sorting the log could be usefull within the datepicker (next step of the wizard). 
  3. Visualizations - Selecting these options changes how the inputs and the differencegraph is visualized. These options can be changed later within the visualizations as well. 
  1. Classifier - When using the alpha miner one can select the classifier which should be used for mining. For example when used ressources are stored within a log file, one can generate a process model from those ressources and use this model for difference calculation. Classifier selection is also availible within the heuristics miner but for this an additional wizard step is used where some heuristics miner specific configurations can be made. 

Datepicker (up)

Our built in datepicker allows you to either select the full set of traces stored within a log file or select a specific timespan. This allows comparing processes within the same time span, selecting an equal amount of traces from both processes or splitting one process log into two halfs like shown in the example below. 

Calculation and Visualization (up)

After selecting input and properties the tool calculates the difference graph and then visualizes the graph with the selected visual properties. 
Letzte Änderung: 26.06.2015, 15:20 | 270 Worte