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Calculation (up)

Subtraction of Inputs (up)

From the weights of Input2 the according weights of Input1 are subtracted. 

Markings (up)

The markings for nodes and edges are calculated by subtracting Input1 from Input2. Depending on the weights five different markings can be expressed. 
  1. New 
    If the node was added in the second input. 
    Node E [2-0] 
  2. Increased 
    If the weight increased from input1 to input2. 
    Node C [3-2] 
  3. Unchanged 
    If the weight from input1 equals the weight from input2. 
    Node A [3-3] 
  4. Decreased 
    If the weight decrease from input1 to input2. 
    Node D [1-3] 
  5. Deleted 
    If the node was deleted in the second input. 
    Node B [0-1] 
In the difference graph plugin each marking can be represented with colors as shown in the example below or with symbols. More about how the differences are visualized can be found in the visualization section. 
Letzte Änderung: 29.06.2015, 13:17 | 138 Worte