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N2Sky in the News

« Communications of the ACM: "Neural Nets: Now Available in the Cloud"» 
« MIT Technology Review: "Neural Nets: Now Available In The Cloud"» 
« The Whir: "Cloud Mindshare: Offering Neural Networks as a Service"» 
« TICbeat: "Las redes neuronales tienen un sitio compartido en la nube con N2Sky"» 
« The Guardian: "Boot up: cloudy neural nets, fanboys ahoy!, Office 365 why?, and more"» 
« China Daily: "Neural Nets: Now Available In The Cloud"» 
« "Neural Nets: Now Available In The Cloud"» 
« The Pubcast: "Neural Nets: Now Available In The Cloud"» 
« ETSU ACM: "How a Database of the World's Knowledge Shapes Google's Future"» 
« Top 10 Web Hosting: "Cloud MindShare Offers Neural Networks as a Service"» 
« Cap Falcon: "Cloud: Neural Networks as a Service"» 
Letzte Änderung: 15.06.2018, 16:41 | 291 Worte