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About us

Manuel Gall

Role: Lego Master Builder  
«Manuel» loves visualizations and is keen to find appropriate visualizations for everything. In his master thesis he visualized the differences between two process models. His current work is on modeling and monitoring of instance spanning constraints. 

Florian Stertz

Role: Hardware Automation Chief 
«Florian» is all about process based hardware integration and synchronization. He currently works to allow for NFC enabled worklist, that allow for an efficient documentation of process progress in mediacal settings. Florian is the recipient of an imperial assault tin medal in summer 2015. 

Juergen Mangler

Role: Architect and Lead Visionary 
«Juergen» is passionate about process management, programming languages (especially Ruby) and distributed systems. He envisioned the CPEE to be a slim maintainable research tool, which can be extended without students messing up the core. He strongly believes that digging into vast piles of code just to add simple features should be avoided (by design) at any price. 

Karolin Winter

«Karolin» works on ISC mining.  

Stefanie Rinderle-Ma

Role: Scientific Advisor 
«Stefanie» is the head of the WST group and has more than 10 years experience regarding all aspects of business process management, especially adaptive process management systems. She was involved in the development of «ADEPT», the first adaptive workflow management system, which also lead to the commercially successful «AristaFlow® BPM Plattform». 

Letzte Änderung: 24.08.2017, 14:09 | 240 Worte