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Feedback and Minor Issues

User with ID 19 had glasses that were to big for the virtual reality headset, he completed the experiment but had problems in reading the questions and labels therefore solving the tasks took him longer compared to the other expiriments. Because we are not cruel we allowed him to use his glasses on the other expiriments (Signavio and 3D) 
Participant 38 told us that he liked VR best because his field of view was larger, he could see more of the process model at a glance. 
21 Found VR the best to use, even though he is a gamer and gets along perfectly with a mouse keyboard. 
23 Said that he knows VR and is glad to have done something useful with it. 
Participant 25 had glasses and the VR glasses did not fit over them, because she had little dioprin she took part in the experiment. 
Participant 4 asked us how to move the camera while wearing the headset, which he fortunately found out himself. 
Participant 7 wanted hotkeys to change perspective quickly (in the VR part) 
Participant 29 was really enthusiastic and screamed "that's not true" when he grabbed the first task while wearing the VR headset 
Letzte Änderung: 31.03.2020, 11:56 | 206 Worte