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Constraint Visualization Prototype


The demo starts with a short animated introduction how the constraints are evaluated for a specific scenario. 
 Right Mouse button rotates the camera
 Middle Mouse allows panning
 Keyboard (WASD, ArrowKeys) allow for movemant analogous to panning
On the bottom there are 4 buttons 
 -  Prev changes to the previous example
 -  Next changes to the next example
 -  Scene Displays a scene in the background for easy navigation
 -  White disables the scene for comparrison
« Download» 
« Web Version» 
Use Fullscreen mode (bottom right) to increase readability of text. 
Due to performance optimization the quality in the web version is much lower e.g. Anti-Aliasing is missing and therfore there are lots of jagged edges. However it is still suitable to get a quick overview without the need to download a new software. 
Letzte Änderung: 08.06.2020, 14:20 | 141 Worte